When over 80 individuals from across campus gathered in December to learn more about the Leadership @ UW Framework and Programs, they heard a presentation about a unique use of one of the tools. Alec Triggiano, the Assistant Director of Staff Training and Development at Recreation and Wellbeing (Rec Well), utilized the Online Leadership Assessment Tool for the Annual Divisional Training.
Over 1,000 student employees work at Rec Well and participated in this training. The students took the Leadership Assessment and self-reported their scores. Staff Training and Development Student Leads analyzed the data and created reports informing the teams of their individual strengths, how they compared to other Rec Well departments, and opportunities for enhanced development.
By implementing the framework and assessment tool into Rec Well’s annual training, students and staff alike got to understand their personal strengths better and how to work better within teams. In one instance, student leads identified one of the least common outcomes for their team was “Partnering with community stakeholders…”. By identifying this, the managerial level at Rec Well will use this opportunity to explore new areas of development with students.
The use of this tool is a great example of how to incorporate more development opportunities for student employees and how it can benefit them! To access the Leadership Self-Assessment Tool discussed above, please click here.
Alec presenting his findings at the December event.